Type Certificate Support
12th of Sep 2019
Auto Avia Design provides ongoing airworthiness technical support for Type Certificate holders in the form of Service Bulletins, Airworthiness Directives, revised Flight Manuals, Flight Manual Supplements and Fatigue Monitoring Programs. Examples of the services we provide:
Shorts SC5 Belfast
Auto Avia Design is the appointed design authority on the UK CAA-administered Type Certificate, held by Heavy Lift Cargo Airlines. Auto Avia Design’s responsibilities include design and approval of repairs and modifications, issuance of Service Bulletins, Airworthiness Directives and fatigue monitoring.
Victa Airtourer
Auto Avia Design is the nominated technical support organisation for the Victa Airtourer Association. Auto Avia Design’s responsibilities include design and approval of repairs and modifications.
Kavanagh Balloons
Auto Avia Design provides certification engineering support to Kavanagh Balloons. Auto Avia Design’s design, analysis and certification documentation has led to type certification of the Kavanagh B, C, D, EX and G series balloons, and the BOX-90 special shape balloon.
Airborne Windsports, and Angel Aircraft (CH17)
An ongoing technical collaboration between Auto Avia Design and these two companies has resulted in the Type Certification of the Airborne Edge powered trike, and amateur-built certification of the CH17 Angel helicopter (CAO101.28).